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Intel Recognition Primitives Library
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Intel Recognition Primitives Library Technical Support and Feedback

Visit the Intel Software Performance Products support web site for complete support information.

Check out the Intel performance libraries FAQs.

To provide feedback or report problems with this web site, select "feedback" at the top of this web page.

To provide feedback or report problems with installation or usage of the Recognition Primitives Library, contact one of the following:

The VTune CD Newsgroup

The VTune CD newsgroup provides an open forum for you to discuss and exchange ideas, problems, tips, and techniques with experienced library users and technical support personnel. If you need clarification on a particular library concept or feature, have a problem getting a particular option to work, or have a bug to report, post your request or problem to the VTune CD newsgroup. Messages that are not answered by other experienced library users will be responded to by Intel library technical support personnel within two business days. Visit the VTune CD newsgroup web site today.

  • Electronic Mail: Our e-mail support is available 24 hours a day. Please fill out and submit the form below or mail directly to the following address:

    * developer_support@intel.com

    A technical support engineer will respond to e-mail within four (4) business hours after receipt.

  • FAX: Our FAX support is available 24 hours a day. Please send complete information to the number listed below. A Technical Support engineer will respond within one (1) Intel business day.

    * FAX (916) 356-6100

  • Hotline: Our telephone support Hotline is open from 7:00am to 5:00pm USA Pacific Time. Calling the Hotline connects you to Support Engineers who are specialists in supporting the product. If no Support Engineer is available when you call, a technical support engineer will respond to your problem within one (1) Intel business day. During other times, you may leave a recorded message and your call will be returned during the next business day.

    * North American Hotline (800) 628-8686
    * International Hotline (916) 356-7599

Use the following form to ask questions, make suggestions and report problems.

Note: The fields marked with an asterisk(*) are required and must be entered to submit the form.

*E-mail Address:

    *Describe your difficulty/comment: (For problem reports please be as specific as possible, so that we may reproduce this problem.)

    Describe your system configuration information. (Be sure to include specific information that may be applicable to your setup: system type, speed, operating system, networking environment, both hardware and software version numbers, development tools, and specific processor type, and anything else that is relevant to helping us address your concern.)

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation